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For those who can become a member, this site is well worth your time spent, browsing through the many different profiles to find your print match. Words at Play What's the 'Sitch'. We meet every 3rd Friday in Zurich. But there was no spark. Biotech, life sciences, aerospace, automotive supply, creative economy and tourism are all expanding sectors. The test has 200 questions and asks you questions about your passions, interests, basic information, feelings and values.

Tips on how to find work in Zurich, including information on Zurich's current job market and vacancies, Swiss work permits, and where to find jobs in Zurich. Foreigners from a country inside the European Union EU or European Free Trade Association EFTA can come freely to Zurich and look for work. Everyone else, however, must have an employment contract first and there are strict quotas, even for highly skilled professionals. According to the , the financial sector generates about a third of the wealth and a quarter of the jobs in the city but there are other industries in the , which employ around 1. Biotech, life sciences, aerospace, automotive supply, creative economy and tourism are all expanding sectors. Studies by and found that Zurich is the second most attractive place in Switzerland after Zug for international companies to set up businesses. Work in Zurich The job market and available jobs in Zurich Most jobs for expats are in the finance sector, such as banking, accountancy, tax consultancy, business consultancy and wealth management, although this sector has seen job losses in recent years. You can check the career pages of big financial names in the city such as , , , the , and. The presence of , the and nearby all have an impact on the growth of medical technology, micro and nano tech and IT industries in the Greater Zurich Area. There are also various multinationals in Zurich such as , , , , , , , , and ; click to see their career pages. Other important sectors include architecture, engineering, the media, health, wholesale trade especially data processing equipment and industrial machines , commerce, shipping and education. Zurich work environment and culture The work environment in Zurich tends to be formal and conservative. Working hours are between 40 and 44 hours per week but can be up to 50 hours a week. Strictly speaking, overtime is limited to two extra hours a day with 25 percent overtime pay or time off in lieu but many people work more than this for no extra pay. There are restrictions on Croatians, Bulgarians and Romanian citizens coming to work in Zurich at present. For everyone else, there are strict quotas; permits are typically limited to managers, specialists and the highly qualified. Employers have to prove the job cannot be done by a local and will apply for a permit on your behalf. Language The official language of Zurich is Swiss German although English and French are widely spoken. If you can speak and write German you will greatly increase your chances of getting a job. EU citizens can also look for work via the European Job Mobility Portal. Here are a few of the leading Zurich companies: , and. Click for a list of employment agencies in Zurich. Newspapers and other publications in Zurich Job vacancies are sometimes advertised in newspapers both print and online such as the and both in German. You can find a list of all Swiss newspapers online. Contacting companies in Zurich You can visit company websites for job vacancies or contact companies directly with speculative applications — but check on the website beforehand to see if they accept unsolicited applications as not all do. Address your application to the person responsible for recruitment, such as the head of the human resources department personalabteilungsleite. The has a list of all its member companies across Switzerland, including those in Zurich, at. Teaching English in Zurich There is not a huge demand for teaching English in Zurich as most residents already have a good understanding of English. Schools include , and. You can also look for jobs teaching English or other languages on the general job websites. Here are some au pair agencies licenced by the Swiss government that send au pairs to Zurich: , , and. Networking in Zurich Contact the various foreign chamber of commerce of your home country in Switzerland, as they sometimes have a database of job vacancies. Sign up to professional networking sites such as and keep your details updated; there are too. To find networking events in Zurich, check and You can also find like-minded people in the or through group. If applying online, make sure everything is attached logically and any files are clearly labelled. If you believe any of the information on this page is incorrect or out-of-date, please let us know. Expatica makes every effort to ensure its articles are as comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date as possible, but we're also grateful for any help! If you want to contact Expatica for any other reason, please follow the instructions on this website's.

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